When Worlds Collide, Media Edition

On Thursday morning, the gathering -- its participants drawn from 83 countries -- will have a private audience with B16 (and a PopeTalk for all of us to pore over)... in the meanwhile, though, the multilingual papers being presented at the four-day conference are being posted in real time. Among these, given the medium, especially worth noting is today's talk on the ad intra blogosphere by a dear friend of these pages, Anna Arco of the UK's Catholic Herald.
One can only wonder which invocation of Arco's racked up more boos in the Aula: Williamson or... well, just read it.
In the meanwhile, your Quote of the Day comes from the organizer of this week's gathering -- the Communications Council's#2, Msgr Paul Tighe.
Before an upcoming visit to Australia where he'll (curiously) address a PR convention, one Oz outlet dug up a notable verdict the Dublin-born cleric delivered on the link between communication and communion in ecclesial life....
Remember these words now:
"We recognize that a church that does not communicate ceases to be a church."
By said yardstick -- that is, the Holy See's -- one can't help but conclude that considerable swaths of Catholicism have accordingly, er...
Complete the sentence. And cue B16:
PHOTO: Reuters
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