A Prayer for Indy

During the week of Jan. 13, I underwent a series of medical tests because I had been experiencing a lot of fatigue and had noticed a swelling under my right arm.A former rector of St Meinrad -- and long one of the US bishops' key voices in the areas of catechesis, formation and interreligious dialogue -- Buechlein was named bishop of Memphis in 1987 and archbishop of Indy five years later. He turns 70 in late April.
On Jan. 18, I received a medical report that I have Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer affecting the lymph nodes.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is also commonly known as Hodgkin’s disease.
I am meeting this week with my oncologist to determine where I go from here concerning a course of treatment.
I already know that chemotherapy is required and I will be undergoing a complete body CT scan to determine more precisely the extent of the problem. Chemotherapy has proven to be a highly effective method for treating this disease.
I’ve been told that the side effects of the chemotherapy will be further fatigue. I regret the interruption this may cause in my normal obligations.
Just as the Benedictine prelate takes prayer requests online, he's asked the same of others as he faces the road ahead.
PHOTO: Brandon A. Evans/The Criterion
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